Recipes and other decorators for lambda handlers ================================================ PostgreSQL db client -------------------- Here is a sample decorator I wrote for a little side project that connects to a PostgreSQL database and add the connection to the context object: .. code:: python import os import boto3 import records from lambda_decorators import LambdaDecorator class database(LambdaDecorator): def before(self, event, context): self.db = records.Database(boto3.client('ssm').get_parameter( Name='db_url', WithDecryption=True)['Parameter']['Value']) context.db = self.db return event, context def after(self, response): self.db.close() return response def on_exception(self, exception): if hasattr(self, 'db'): self.db.close() raise exception Then, when defining your handler: .. code:: python from database import database @database def handler(event, context): context.db.query('select 1') return {} Raven/Sentry configuration ---------------------------- See `raven-python-lambda `_ for an example of a library for aws lambda that also uses a decorator to configure logging to use Raven/Sentry.